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Archived Comments for: 'Diversion’ of methadone or buprenorphine: 'harm’ versus 'helping’

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  1. Sharing drugs in methadone .treatment

    Ernest Drucker, John jay College , CUNY

    23 October 2013

    In considering patterns of methadone patients "sharing: their doses with others , the authors suggest that "Treatment providers should consider including couples in which both individuals are motivated for starting OMT" . Know that In the early days of methadone treatment in the US ( the 1960s and 70s - when access to methadone treatment was more limited than it is today ) this idea was sometimes a program rule for married couple where both used heroin - with appreciation that one members success in methadone treatment might be undermined by their partners ( or friends) needs. The concept of "diversion" was a DEA trope , inappropriately applied to treatment methadone - with sharing being an understandable response of patients with addicted partners - indeed it was an early and spontaneous harm reduction approach . This and other such compassionate peer responses ( such as sharing needles) were understandable in the face of the (still common) inadequate supply of syringes and substitution treatment in the face of growing demand - a face of self helping movements which limited suffering and helped contain HIV .

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