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Table 2 Coding process

From: Gendered perspectives on women’s anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) usage practices

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Overarching theme

“I think there's like that whole like feminist movement going and stuff like I think like you know it's cool to see like I like I love it too it's like it's cool to see like strong girls and like girl supporting each other.”

Strength sport, support, females, femininity, powerlifting

Feminine Empowerment in a Masculine Landscape

Women in strength sports—feminine empowerment

“Like what what would what would a girl prefer to use would she prefer to inject NPP or take take anavar just take a few tablets today, of course, she's going to choose the tablets”.

AAS use woman, inject, injectables, oral, gender differences, preference

Choosing Anavar

Perceived harm reduction: “Rather go orals than injectables”

“As a female obviously the substances that you do use can have a lot more damage than a male using them, I mean obviously damage can be done, but as a female it can really like screw you up.”

AAS use, gender differences, female sides

The unique consequences of AAS use for females

For Females—It’s going to come with other S**t as well!

“I think it's typically something that was known for being used predominantly in the male world. um. So perhaps there's a bit of a stigma there um Where females are going I don't want to discuss that.”

AAS use woman, male, gender, unseen, silence, stigma

The ‘unseen’ nature of AAS use among women

The role of stigma in women’s use of AAS