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Table 1 A summary of thematized PBS employed by khat chewers

From: Perceived harms and protective behavioural strategies among khat chewers: a qualitative study in Jimma, Ethiopia


PBS employed

Targeted risk

General PBS

Limiting the amount of use

Buying khat when it is cheap or buying a cheaper type

Chewing while also working

Avoiding the need to chew khat for mirkana

Obtaining khat from friends or retailers for free

Economic impacts

Slow reduction

Taking a break from chewing for a while (khat holiday)

Engagement in other activities instead of chewing

Limiting the amount of use

Using khat only in the afternoon

Dependence and tolerance

Distracting activities such as going for a walk, busying oneself with activities, visiting relatives/friends, consuming caffeinated drinks and sleeping at their usual khat chewing time

Acknowledging the withdrawal symptoms and not doing anything about them (denial)

Chewing a small amount of khat (limited access)

Withdrawal symptoms

Chewing while also working, if the nature of the work allows

Chewing quickly (making lulu) before work or chewing after work or only during free time, if the nature of the work does not allow, and chewing while also working if the nature of the work allows

Limiting the amount of khat chewed

Avoiding chewing at night so that it does not disturb their sleeping pattern and they will be able to get up on time for work

Avoiding the need to chew in the morning and dedicating the time wholly to work

Chewing with friends who have a positive attitude towards work


Avoiding the use of other substances


Not chewing before a date

Sexual performance

PBS before the chewing session

Eating well, selecting the khat type convenient to their taste and health, avoiding buying chemically sprayed khat

Physical health

Avoiding to buy a khat type thought to reduce sexual performance

Sexual performance

PBS during the chewing session

Selecting the right place for chewing

Chewing in company to strengthen social bonds

Social impacts

Avoiding additives like sugar and peanuts, using adequate water, limiting the amount of khat chewed, avoiding drinking alcohol or smoking cannabis as this increases the desire to chew and there may be related health effects

Physical health

Stopping chewing ahead of time if they plan sexual intercourse

Sexual performance

Limiting the amount of khat, stopping chewing earlier and avoiding the consumption of caffeinated drinks


Avoiding mixing different khat types, chewing with others, avoiding stressful thoughts while chewing through listening to music or controlling their thoughts, avoiding exposure to noise or too much talk during mirkana

Mental health

PBS after the chewing session

Carrying out household chores to induce tiredness, taking a bath, reading, watching movies, drinking milk, non-caffeinated soft drinks or soup, eating a substantial meal and drinking alcohol


Drinking alcohol, eating well

Sexual performance

Taking an adequate break after ‘spitting khat’ and using juicy and simple foods to overcome appetite loss

Appetite loss

Drinking milk, fenugreek juice or flax seeds juice to avoid impacts on the gastrointestinal system

Mouth rinsing or brushing teeth to avoid dental health effects

Physical health