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Table 2 Naloxone/Narcan Questions from Interview Guide

From: “I’m not going to lay back and watch somebody die”: a qualitative study of how people who use drugs’ naloxone experiences are shaped by rural risk environment and overdose education/naloxone distribution intervention



When you were offered naloxone/Narcan, did you accept it?

If not: Why not?

Was this your first time you received naloxone/Narcan?

If first time: Had you heard of naloxone/Narcan before? → Did you know where to get it?

If received naloxone/Narcan before C2H: Where had you gotten naloxone/Narcan in the past? → How often had you used it before C2H? → Did this experience make you more/less likely to carry naloxone/Narcan in the future? → Can you tell me more about that?

Did the C2H training teach you anything new about naloxone/Narcan?

What did you learn about naloxone/Narcan? → Did you feel like you knew what to do with naloxone/Narcan if you’d needed to administer it? → What more would you have liked to learn from us?

Do you carry the naloxone/Narcan with you? Why/why not?

Is there anything that makes you nervous about carrying naloxone/Narcan with you? → Stigma/judgement? → Criminal justice involvement?

Have you used the naloxone/Narcan we gave you?

If not: Why not?

If used: Please tell me more about your experience → Who was overdosing? → How did you know this person? → How did you know they were overdosing? → What did you do? → Did you or anyone call 911? → Did police arrest or charge anyone? → Were you nervous about being arrested or charged?

Have you had naloxone/Narcan used on you?

If yes: How did that experience change your opinion of naloxone/Narcan?

How did having naloxone/Narcan or having the training change your behavior?

How did it change how you use drugs? → Did you share information about overdosing that you learned from us with others? → Did you give away/sell any of the naloxone/Narcan to others?

Did you ever worry that someone would be upset if you administered naloxone/Narcan on them?

If yes: Can you tell me more about that? → Have you had past experiences where someone got upset with you for using naloxone/Narcan → What did you do?

Has your opinion of naloxone/Narcan changed at all since you started the intervention?
