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Table 3 Characteristics of participants who completed the phone survey (n = 119)

From: Available but inaccessible: patient experiences during the first 2 years of a primary care-based medical cannabis program at an academic medical center


n = 119

Age (years), mean (SD)

56.2 (12.1)

Gender: female, n (%)*

83 (69.7)

Main symptom targeted, n (%)



101 (85.6)


7 (5.9)


3 (2.5)


7 (5.9)

Ever purchased medical cannabis, n (%)

87 (73.1)

Purchased medical cannabis more than once, n (%)

63 (52.9)

Use of unregulated cannabis, n (%)

52 (43.7)

Reason for not purchasing medical cannabis (n = 56), n (%)



28 (50)

 Convenience of dispensary locations

14 (25)


6 (10.7)

 Problems with registration

4 (7.1)

 Perceived effectiveness of medical cannabis (n = 86), mean (SD)

6.9 (2.9)

Preferred route of administration of medical cannabis (n = 86), n (%)



55 (64)


32 (37.2)


24 (27.9)


10 (11.8)

  1. *Proportion of gender is significantly different than the whole cohort (n = 562)