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Table 1 Prescribed safer supply drugs and daily dosing guidance

From: Factors associated with obtaining prescribed safer supply among people accessing harm reduction services: findings from a cross-sectional survey




M-Eslon (morphine)

Prescribe M-Eslon:

80–240 mg PO BID provided daily (avoid sprinkling doses)

Hydromorphone tablets (Dilaudid)

Prescribe oral hydromorphone:

8 mg tablets (1–3 tabs q1h as needed up to 14 tablets), provided daily


Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)

Prescribe Dexedrine:

Dexedrine SR (dextroamphetamine) 10–20 mg PO BID provided daily with a maximum dose of 40 mg BID per day


Dexedrine 10–20 mg IR PO BID-TID with a maximum dose of 80 mg Dexedrine per day

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Prescribe methylphenidate:

Methylphenidate SR 20–40 mg PO OD with maximum dose of 100 mg/24 h


Methylphenidate IR 10–20 mg PO BID daily to maximum dose of 100 mg

methylphenidate per day


Diazepam (Valium)

Example maintenance dosing:

· If the patient describes buying diazepam 10 mg × 3/day then consider

starting at 5 mg TID and increasing the dose as needed

· If the patient describes using 1–4 “bars” of Xanax, start with clonazepam

0.5–1 mg BID

Example maintenance dosing:

· If the patient describes buying diazepam 10 mg × 3/day then consider

starting at 5 mg TID and increasing the dose as needed

Clonazepam (Klonopin)

Example maintenance dosing:

· If the patient describes using 1–4 “bars” of Xanax, start with clonazepam

0.5–1 mg BID

  1. Drugs as listed in BC’s Risk Mitigation Guidance
  2. BID twice a day, TID three times a day, PO by mouth, OD once daily, IR immediate release, SR sustained release, Q1H every hour