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Table 1 Characteristics of study participants stratified by engagement in sex work in the last month (n = 864)

From: Receipt of COVID-19 emergency funds and engagement in sex work during COVID-19 among people who use drugs: evidence from Vancouver, Canada


Engagement in Sex Work*

Yes (%)

(n = 55)

No (%)

(n = 809)

Age† (median, Q1-Q3)

40 (33–49)

47 (33–56)

Woman, transgender, Two-Spirit, or other non-binary gender

40 (81.63)

300 (38.66)


31 (63.27)

329 (42.51)

< High school

33 (67.35)

384 (50.33)

Homelessness in last 6 months

 9 (16.36)

 108 (13.47)


 15 (27.27)

 205 (25.53)

COVID-19 Funds*

 22 (40.74)

 404 (52.67)

≥ Weekly injection drug use*

 35 (63.64)

 281 (34.73)

≥ Weekly crack use*

 18 (32.73)

 142 (17.68)

≥ Weekly cocaine use*

 3 (5.45)

 46 (5.73)

≥ Weekly crystal meth use*

 31 (56.36)

 197 (24.53)

≥ Weekly heroin/fentanyl/down use*

 40 (72.73)

 288 (35.82)

≥ Weekly non-medical PO use*

 2 (3.70)

 17 (2.18)

Drug dealing*

 23 (41.82)

 150 (18.63)

Non-fatal overdose*

 6 (10.91)

 38 (4.76)

  1. † Per one-year increase.
  2. Q1-Q3 = first to third quartile.
  3. * Activities reported in the last month.