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Table 2 Reported tobacco use and percent change across three study time periods

From: A reduced exposure heated tobacco product was introduced then abruptly taken off United States shelves: results from a tobacco harm reduction natural experiment

TNP category

Prior to HTP initiation

Just before HTP market removal

Current use1

Use prior to initiation versus use just before market removal

Use just before market removal versus current use

Use prior to initiation versus current use

% (n)

% (n)

% (n)

% Change

p value

% Change

p value

% Change

p value

Combustible Cigarettes (CC)

89.8% (n = 451)

63.0% (n = 316)

67.5% (n = 339)

 − 29.9%

p < 0.0001


p = 0.0544

 − 24.8%

p < 0.0001


0.0% (n = 0)

100% (n = 502)

24.9% (n = 125)

 − 75.1%

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)2

40.4% (n = 203)

32.7% (n = 164)

41.6% (n = 209)

 − 19.2%

p = 0.0005


p < 0.0001


p = 0.6069

Smokeless Tobacco Products2 (STP)

6.4% (n = 32)

4.6% (n = 23)

3.2% (n = 16)

 − 28.1%

p = 0.0290

 − 30.4%

p = 0.0896

 − 50.0%

p < 0.0001

Nicotine Pouches2 (NP)

8.6% (n = 43)

6.6% (n = 33)

7.2% (n = 36)

 − 23.3%

p = 0.077


p = 0.5775

 − 16.3%

p = 0.2498

Non-Cigarette Smokable Tobacco Products2

14.5% (n = 73)

10.4% (n = 52)

7.6% (n = 38)

 − 28.8%

p = 0.0014

 − 26.9%

p = 0.0082

 − 47.9%

p < 0.0001

None of the Above Products

3.8% (n = 19)

0.0% (n = 0)

7.2% (n = 36)

 − 100%


p = 0.0052

Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT)3

9.6% (n = 48)

8.6% (n = 43)

7.4% (n = 37)

 − 10.4%

p = 0.4838

 − 14.0%

p = 0.4461

 − 22.9%

p = 0.1521

  1. 1—Current use is defined as use at least once in the 30-day period prior to the participant taking the survey. 2—HTP use presented in the survey as IQOS® tobacco heating system; ENDS presented in survey as: electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS, also known as e-cigs, electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, vape pens, and/or e-liquids); Smokeless Tobacco Products presented in survey as: smokeless tobacco products (moist snuff, chewing tobacco, snus); Nicotine Pouches presented in survey as: nicotine pouches (tobacco-free pouch placed in the mouth); Non-Cigarette Smokable Tobacco Products presented in survey as: some other smokable tobacco product (such as cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobacco, hookah, or water pipe); used none of these tobacco or nicotine products was included if the participant had not used the aforementioned products and, if selected, no other response option could be selected. 3—Use of NRT was asked independently of the list of tobacco or nicotine products described above. Thus, participants who responded that they used any or none of the aforementioned tobacco or nicotine products could report they had or had not used NRT. NRT presented in survey as: Aids to help stop smoking (e.g., Nicorette, NicoDerm CQ). Bold font signifies a statistically significant difference (p value < 0.05) between two time periods