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Table 1 Characteristics and drug use behaviors reported by a sample of people who inject drugs at a supervised injecting facility in Copenhagen, Denmark ( n= 41)

From: Self-reported changes in drug use behaviors and syringe disposal methods following the opening of a supervised injecting facility in Copenhagen, Denmark


n (%)b

Age (median, 25th; 75th)

37 (30; 43)

 22 – 30

11 (26.8)

 31 – 40

14 (34.1)

 41 – 49

13 (31.7)

 50 – 57

3 (7.3)




4 (9.8)


37 (90.2)

Born in Denmark



33 (80.5)


8 (19.5)

Current housing



11 (26.8)


12 (29.3)


18 (43.9)

Age of first injection (median, 25th; 75th)

18 (17; 22)

 12 – 17

16 (39.0)

 18 – 23

17 (41.5)

 24 – 29

4 (9.8)

 30 – 43

4 (9.8)

Drugs currently used at SIF



30 (73.2)


25 (61.0)


11 (26.8)


4 (9.8)


4 (9.8)


8 (19.5)

Enrolled in treatment a


 Any substance abuse treatment

24 (58.5)

 Opioid replacement therapy

20 (48.8)

 24 hour treatment

3 (7.3)


6 (14.6)

Frequency of use at SIF a


 Every day

12 (29.3)

 Every couple of days

10 (24.4)

 Once a week

3 (7.3)

 Every couple of weeks

5 (12.2)

 Once a month

3 (7.3)

 Less than once a month

5 (12.2)

Arrested/charged with crime a



17 (41.5)


22 (53.7)

Primary site of fixing before SIF


 Outdoors (street, park, lot, etc.)

25 (61.0)

 Own place

23 (56.1)

 Other’s place

16 (39.0)

 Public washroom

16 (39.0)


2 (4.9)

  1. Note: n’s do not sum to 41 and proportions do not sum to 100% due to missing values or the possibility of endorsement of more than one option for some questions.
  2. Note: all data collected between February and August, 2013.
  3. a= refers to activities or behaviors in the last 6 months.
  4. b= n (%) unless otherwise specified.