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Table 2 Demographic and drug use characteristics of IDU sample (N = 419)1

From: Quantifying hepatitis C transmission risk using a new weighted scoring system for the Blood-Borne Virus Transmission Risk Assessment Questionnaire (BBV-TRAQ): Applications for community-based HCV surveillance, education and prevention

Percentage male


57% (239)

Mean age (SD)


27.8 (8.2)





22% (93)



6% (27)



66% (275)

   home duties


6% (24)

Mean years since first injection (SD)


9.5 (7.5)

   ≤ 3 years


23% (97)

   > 3 years


77% (318)

Drug most injected in the past month




71% (296)



22% (91)



7% (29)

Frequency of injecting in the past month


   weekly or less


20% (85)

   more than weekly less than daily


26% (110)

   daily or more


54% (224)

Percentage with no Tx experience



Self-report BBV status





45% (189)

14% (60)

2% (7)


42% (174)

38% (158)

87% (364)

   never tested/not sure

13% (55)

16% (67)

11% (47)

  1. 1 Some totals do not sum to 419 due to a small number of non-responders.
  2. 2 Includes 32% (133) reporting previous HBV vaccination.