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Table 1 Summary Statistics

From: Safe using messages may not be enough to promote behaviour change amongst injecting drug users who are ambivalent or indifferent towards death

Mean Age (range) yrs

28.1 (15–51)

Median Age yrs


N Male (%)

36 (60%)

Education, N (%)


- year 10 or less N (%)

33 (55%)

- commenced university

3 (5%)

Employment, N (%)



36 (60%)

-pension/disability support

12 (20%)

-part-time employed

9 (15%)


3 (5%)

Accommodation, N (%)



22 (36%)


19 (32%)

Drug of choice, N (%)


- Heroin

55 (92%)

- Amphetamines

3 (5%)

- Cannabis

2 (3%)

Heroin Use Duration


-Mean (SD)

7.4 yrs (7.37)


1–30 years

Treatment, N (%)


-not in treatment

32 (54%)

-methadone maintenance

18 (30%)


6 (10%)



- At least once

35 (58%)

- mean (SD)

4 (SD = 3.79)





Blood borne viruses:


- HIV tested

54 (90%)

-HCV tested

52 (87%)

- HIV +ve


- HCV +ve

32 (54%)

- HBV +ve

2 (3%)