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Table 2 OST treatment retention and outcomes over one year for a cohort of clients enrolled in May 2006 (n = 713)

From: Opioid substitution therapy in manipur and nagaland, north-east india: operational research in action


Retained on OST

Ceased - completed the program

Ceased - relapsed

Ceased - reason unknown


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

3 months

519 (72.8)

18 (2.5)

138 (19.4)

38 (5.3)

6 months

451 (63.3)

42 (5.9)

166 (23.3)

54 (7.6)

9 months

405 (56.8)

60 (8.4)

186 (26.1)

62 (8.7)

12 months

362 (50.8)

91 (12.8)

196 (27.5)

64 (9.0)