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Table 1 Summary assessment of EtCO2 (Evaluable PD Population)

From: Effects of concurrent intravenous morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride on end-tidal carbon dioxide



N = 27

Morphine + Naltrexone

N = 27


N = 26

TEmax, h,

median (range)

1.0 (0.3, 8.0)

5.0 (0.1, 12.0)

2.0 (0.0, 24.0)

Emax, mm Hg

47.1 (45.7, 48.5)a

42.9 (41.5, 44.3)b

41.9 (40.5, 43.3)

AUE0-2 (h•mm Hg)

11.1 (8.8, 13.5)a

4.8 (2.4, 7.1)a,b

1.6 (-0.8, 4.0)

AUE0-8 (h•mm Hg)

42.7 (33.0, 52.3)a

21.1 (11.5, 30.8)a,b

4.6 (-5.2, 14.5)

AUE0-24 (h•mm Hg)

96.3 (63.3, 129.3)a

74.6 (41.6, 107.6)a

11.8 (-21.9, 45.4)

  1. *Except for TE max all values are LS means (95% CI); TE max is median (range)
  2. Comparisons vs placebo: ap < 0.05
  3. Comparisons vs morphine: bp < 0.05
  4. AUE = area under the effect curve; CI = confidence interval; Emax = maximum effect; LS = least squares; NS = not significant; TEmax = time to maximum effect