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Table 1 Bias in estimating the association between uptake of B and prior use of A

From: Appropriate and inappropriate methods for investigating the “gateway” hypothesis, with a review of the evidence linking prior snus use to later cigarette smoking


Neither (i)

A only (ii)

B only (iii)

Both – A first (iv)

Both – B first (v)

Time 0






 Start using A

250 i → ii


 Start using B

500 i → iii


Time 1

10000 − 250 − 500 = 9250





 Start using A

231 i → ii


13 iii → v


 Start using B

463 i → iii

13 ii → iv


Time 2

9250 − 231 − 463 = 8556

250 + 231 − 13 = 469

500 + 463 − 13 = 950



 Start using A

214 i → ii


24 iii → v


 Start using B

428 i → iii

23 ii → iv


Time 3

8556 − 214 − 428 = 7915

469 + 214 − 23 = 659

950 + 428 − 24 = 1354

13 + 23 = 36

13 + 24 = 36

 Start using A

198 i → ii


34 iii → v


 Start using B

396 i → iii

33 ii → iv


Time 4

7915 − 198 − 396 = 7321

659 + 198 − 33 = 824

1354 + 396 − 34 = 1716

36 + 33 = 69

36 + 34 = 70

P1: Proportion who start B among A first users

69/(824 + 69)


P2: Proportion who start B among others

(1716 + 70)/(7321 + 1716 + 70)


P3: Proportion who start B among never A users

1716/(7321 + 1716)


OR1 as defined in (using P1 and P2)



OR2 as defined in (using P1 and P3)



RR stratified by period (using columns i and ii)

Period 1–2




Period 2–3




Period 3–4



  1. The example involves four time periods, with starting of A and B assumed to be independent. Rows in normal type style indicate time points, and rows in italicized type style indicate the periods between the time points. In each period, 2.5% of those who have never used A by the previous time point start A, and 5% of those who have never used B by the previous time point start B. The arrows and roman numerals indicate the column to which starters are re-allocated at the next time point. It is assumed that no individual starts both products in a single period. The values are shown rounded to nearest whole numbers but are calculated to full precision (so that there are some apparent discrepancies in the additions).