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Table 2 Recommendations to increase benefits of CBOs serving marginalized populations

From: Coalition building by drug user and sex worker community-based organizations in Vietnam can lead to improved interactions with government agencies: a qualitative study

Major themes

Specific recommendations

Increase collaboration with government agencies

(1) Station outreach workers in government healthcare centers

(2) Develop case management skills among peer educators

Decrease barriers to methadone maintenance

(1) Expand availability from current 16,000 patients towards the 200,000 needed

(2) Prevent “payment for access” schemes that create financial barriers to entry

Ensure continued funding and sustainability

(1) Obtain direct government funding for specific health promotion activities

(2) Raise funds from non-governmental sources through grants and research collaborations

(3) Train leadership at each CBO in grant writing, organizational management, network building

Achieve full government recognition

(1) Develop a clear statement of standards needed for recognition

(2) Continue CBO coalition building to be able to speak with one voice to government agencies