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Table 2 Current tobacco use patterns of study participants

From: Patterns of tobacco and e-cigarette use status in India: a cross-sectional survey of 3000 vapers in eight Indian cities


n (%) or median (IQR)

Current smoking tobacco


1751 (58.4)


1249 (41.6)

Current daily smoking consumption

5 (4–8)

Former smokers1

706 (30.0)

Current SLT use

538 (17.9)

Current SLT consumption (numbers per day)

4 (2–5)

Current SLT users who also smoke tobacco

382 (71.0)

  1. 1Former smokers were defined as those who were smoking tobacco before e-cigarette use initiation but were not currently smoking. Proportion of those who reported smoking tobacco before e-cigarette use initiation is presented