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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of participants, n = 5

From: Exploring the experience of inpatients with severe alcohol use disorder on a managed alcohol program (MAP) at St. Paul’s Hospital

Age in years (mean, range)

45, 25–58

Identified gender (n)

Male 2, female 3

Identified ethnicity

Indigenous 4, Caucasian 1

Marital status

Single 3, partner 1, widowed 1

Housing status

Supportive housing 2, no fixed address—shelter 2, no fixed address—other 1


Grade 7, 1; grade 9, 2; college/university, 2


Persons with disability (PWD) 3, income assistance (IA) 1, Canada pension plan (CPP) 1

Hospital length of stay in days (mean, range)

16, 7–28