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Table 2 Hepatitis C knowledge questions and response rates (n = 11)

From: A qualitative study of perceived barriers to hepatitis C care among people who did not attend appointments in the non-urban US South

Hepatitis C knowledge questions

Correct responses N (%)

Most people with hepatitis C do not have symptoms.

9 (82)

 True, false

Most people with hepatitis C know they are infected.

9 (82)

 True, false

A person who injected drugs one time should be tested for hepatitis C.

10 (91)

 True, false

A person born between 1945 and 1965 should be tested for hepatitis C.

9 (82)

 True, false

Hepatitis C can cause:

9 (82)

 Cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer, all of the above

With treatment, what percent of people with hepatitis C can be cured?

9 (82)

 < 25%, 50%, 75%, > 90%

  1. Answer choices are in italics following question stem. Correct answer choice is in bold. Questions are adapted from the Centers for Disease Control Hepatitis C fact sheet, the World Health Organization Hepatitis C webpage, and Zeremski et al. [34]