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Table 3 Summary of stressors reported by peer workers during focus groups

From: “Running myself ragged”: stressors faced by peer workers in overdose response settings



Financial insecurity

Inequitable pay

Job instability

Lack of respect and recognition at work

Stigma and inequity

Lack of resources to professionalize peer worker roles

Lack of role clarity

Lack of respect and recognition at work from colleagues

Lack of respect from other professionals

Housing challenges

Living situation jeopardizes safety and health

Difficulty in acquiring housing due to stigma against PWUD

Safe housing is unaffordable

Affects peer workers’ productivity

Inability to access or refer individuals to resources

Lack of social supports to access needed resources

Inability to refer clients to resources leading to a sense of powerlessness and dissatisfaction

Stigma and judgement affecting access of existing resources

Constant exposure to death and trauma

Working as a first responder can cause stress and burnout

Constant exposure to death and trauma is doubly stressful for peer workers, especially death of friends and family

Personal and professional lives are inter-twined; no opportunity to unwind