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Table 2 Mapping patterns of drug-use related behaviours within COM-B components and the TDF domains

From: Reducing drug-use harms among higher education students: MyUSE contextual-behaviour change digital intervention development using the Behaviour Change Wheel

  1. Note 1: we identified the following TDF domains, expanded on the COM-B components; motivation [86]: social/professional role and identity (10), beliefs about capabilities (7), optimism (9), intentions (11), goals (10), beliefs about consequences (18), reinforcement (13) and emotion (8); opportunity [18]: social influences (8), environment (10); capability [19]: physical skills (0), knowledge (3), cognitive and interpersonal skills (4), memory attention and decision processes (4), behavioural regulation (5)
  2. Note 2: Id.: Social/Professional Role and Identity, Bel cap.: beliefs about capabilities, Opt.: optimism, Int.: Intentions, Bel cons.: Beliefs about consequences, Reinf.: reinforcements, Em.: Emotions, Env.: Environmental context & resources, know.: knowledge, cog.: cognitive and interpersonal skills, mem.: memory, attention and decision processes, Beh. Reg.: behavioural regulation. The shaded squares highlight evidence or consensus that these identifiers map on a specific TDF domain