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Table 2 List of analysed variables on drug-related harm reduction interventions and its policy framework

From: The state of harm reduction in prisons in 30 European countries with a focus on people who inject drugs and infectious diseases

Harm reduction responses in prison

Testing, Vaccination, Treatment of infectious diseases in prison

Framework and Strategies for harm reduction in prison

Screening of people in prison for drug-related problems upon entry

HIV testing available

Responsible institution for prison health/prison structure

OST available

HIV testing rate (%) among people in prison last year

external agencies (incl. NGOs) included in harm reduction service provision

OST coverage 1.—% of prisons where available

HIV testing coverage (last year) estimated if rate cannot be calculated

Strategy document for drug-related responses in prison available

OST coverage 2. % of people in prison in need receive OST

HCV testing available

Guidelines/strategy for drug-related responses in prison where

Number of inmates receiving OST

HCV testing rate (%) among people in prison last year

Guidelines/strategy for harm reduction in prison available

Dominant type of OST medication provided in prisons

HCV testing coverage (last year) estimated if rate cannot be calculated

Guidelines/strategy for harm reduction in prison where

OST Detoxification available

HBV testing available

Guidelines/strategy for testing/treatment of infectious diseases in prison available

OST continued for people in prison already in OST before entering prison available

HBV testing rate (%) among people in prison last year

Guidelines/strategy for testing/treatment of infectious diseases in prison where

OST initiated after entering prison available

HBV testing coverage (last year) estimated if rate cannot be calculated

Guidelines/strategy for harm reduction measures upon release available

OST initiated before release available

TB testing available

Guidelines/strategy for harm reduction measures upon release where

NSP available

TB testing estimated coverage last year

Equivalence of care

NSP coverage 1.—% of prisons where available

Vaccination for HBV available

Continuity of care

NSP coverage 2.—% of people in prison in need receive NSP

HIV post-exposure prophylaxis available


Distribution of bleach available

Antiretroviral therapy for HIV available


Estimated coverage of bleach distribution: % of prisons where available

Antiretroviral therapy for HIV estimated coverage


Condom provision available

Antiviral therapy for HCV available


Estimated coverage of condom promotion and distribution programmes in prisons, % of prisons where it is provided

Antiviral therapy for HCV estimated coverage


Lubricants provision available

Antiviral therapy for HBV available


Information and education on drug-related health risks (in general) available

Antiviral therapy for HBV estimated coverage


Health education to prevent overdoses during imprisonment available

TB treatment available


Health education (as prevention) on drug-related infectious diseases available

TB treatment coverage


Health education on drug-related infectious diseases coverage: % of people in prison receive it

Linkage to HIV care upon release


Health education (as prevention) on sexually transmitted diseases available

Linkage to HCV care upon release


HIV-related health promotion or behaviour change programmes in prisons coverage


Information and education on risks of tattooing and piercing available


Training on safer injecting available


Harm reduction/addiction service provided to people in prison with drug problem upon release available


Health education to prevent overdoses upon release available


Distribution of naloxone upon release available
