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Table 2 A: Self-identified MAP participant goals related to drinking and B: self-identified estimated impact of cannabis substitution on alcohol consumption

From: “If I knew I could get that every hour instead of alcohol, I would take the cannabis”: need and feasibility of cannabis substitution implementation in Canadian managed alcohol programs

MAP participants

n = 19 (%)

A. Self-identified goals

Stop drinking

7 (36.8%)

Reduce drinking

4 (21.1%)

Safer drinking

2 (10.5%)

Other (e.g., work, recreation)

1 (5.3%)


4 (21.1%)


1 (5.3%)

B. Estimated impact of cannabis substitution on alcohol consumption

Decrease consumption

11 (57.9%)

Increase consumption

2 (10.5%)

No change to consumption

4 (21.1%)

Don’t know

1 (5.3%)


1 (5.3%)