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Table 1 Descriptive characteristic and survey response

From: How a sample of English stop smoking services and vape shops adapted during the early COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods cross-sectional survey


Stop smoking service (SSS) n = 46 (%)

Vape shops n = 59 (%)


 South England

22 (47.9)

32 (54.2)

 North of England

18 (39.1)

14 (23.8)


6 (13)

13 (22)

Able to stay open in some capacity?

 Yes, but with changes

35 (76.1)

13 (22)

 Yes, no changes

9 (19.6)

2 (3.4)


2 (4.3)

44 (74.6)

Did your service/business furlough any staff?


43 (93.5)

12 (20.3)


3 (6.5)

47 (79.7)

Did your service/business make any changes to business as usual?



3 (5.1)


46 (100)

56 (94.9)

Vape shops only: What best describes the health of your business?

 Business has declined


42 (71.2)

 Business is doing better


4 (6.8)

 Business is more or less the same


3 (5.1)

 Part or all of my business is at risk of closure


3 (5.1)

 Not answered


7 (11.8)

Special arrangements in place for vulnerable people who smoke?


33 (71.7)

17 (28.8)


13 (28.3)

21 (35.6)



9 (15.3)

 Not answered


12 (20.3)

Started to work with other organisations?


39 (84.8)

57 (96.6)


7 (15.2)

2 (3.4)

Cost involved in these extra measures?+ (for those who stayed open)


3 (6.8)

12 (57.1)


15 (34.1)

9 (42.9)

 Unsure (unable to answer) or not applicable

26 (59)


Considering implementing these new changes in the longer term?*


6 (20)

12 (60)


24 (80)

8 (40)

  1. +SSS n = 44, Vape shops = 21: *SSS n = 30, Vape shops n = 20. Furlough refers to the UK government COVID-19 job retention scheme, allowing employers to suspend employment in the absence of work with a government salary subsidy