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Table 1 List of the community-validated alcohol-related harms (primary outcome)

From: Evaluation of a novel therapeutic education programme for people with alcohol use disorder in France: a mixed-methods intervention study protocol (ETHER)

1. Professional neglect

2. Neglecting parental responsibilities

3. Neglecting conjugal responsibilities

4. Damaging a close friendship

5. Damaging an intimate relationship

6. Damaging a family relationship

7. Impulsiveness—saying or doing something you regret afterwards

8. Driving under the influence of psychoactive substances, drugs, alcohol

9. Problems with the legal system

10. Difficulties falling asleep

11. Difficulties staying asleep

12. Waking early

13. Hot flashes and/or night sweats

14. Hangover, vomiting, being sick after drinking

15. Alcohol-related physical injury

16. Trembling hands

17. Blackouts/memory problems

18. Neglecting own health in general

19. Neglecting physical appearance

20. Neglecting hygiene

21. Taking risks (crossing the street without first looking, fighting, having unprotected sexual intercourse, etc.)

22. Not eating regularly

23. Skipping meals

24. Increased drug consumption (cannabis, cocaine, anxiolytics, etc.)

25. Financial difficulties

26. No pleasure in participating in leisure activities

27. Problems arising from alcohol consumption

28. No pleasure in the taste of wine, beer or other alcoholic drinks

29. Self-perceived social isolation

30. Little contact with family members

31. Unsatisfactory family relationships

32. Little extra-familial contact

33. Unsatisfactory extra-familial relationships

34. Finding it difficult to go and consult healthcare professionals