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Table 3 Time and place of prior HCV testing and treatment

From: Setting foot in private spaces: extending the hepatitis C cascade of care to automatic needle/syringe dispensing machines, a mixed methods study

HCV testing

n = 54 (%)




21 (39)


32 (59)


1 (2)

When last test?


  < 12 months ago

33 (61)

 12 months+ 

21 (39)

Where last HCV test?a



15 (28)

 OAT clinic

13 (25)

 General practitioner

8 (15)

 Targeted primary health care

8 (15)

 Sexual health clinic

4 (8)


5 (9)

HCV treatment

n = 23c (%)

When last treated?



3 (13)

  < 12 months prior

3 (13)

 1–5 years prior

10 (43)

 5+ years (interferon)

7 (30)

Where last treated?d



9 (45)

 OAT clinic

6 (30)


5 (25)

  1. aSample providing testing place information n = 53
  2. bOther: NSP (n = 2); Liver clinic (n = 1); Housing service (n = 2)
  3. cSample providing treatment information n = 23
  4. dSample providing treatment place information n = 20
  5. eOther includes: Targeted primary health care (n = 2); General practitioner (n = 1); Sexual health clinic (n = 1); Housing service (n = 1)