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Table 5 Knowledge of hepatitis C in American Indians who use injection drugs in northeastern Montana, n = 51

From: A preliminary needs assessment of American Indians who inject drugs in northeastern Montana


Estimated population proportion that correctly answered item (95% CI)

Sexual transmission is a common way hepatitis C is spread.

.23 (.10–.36)

Most people who get hepatitis C will die prematurely because of infection.

.28 (.15–.42)

Hepatitis C is a mutation of hepatitis B.

.30 (.17–.44)

Hepatitis C is now one of the leading reasons for liver transplantation in Australia.

.32 (.18–.47)

Hepatitis C is caused by a bacteria.

.35 (.22–.48)

People with hepatitis C should be restricted from working in the food industry.

.37 (.22–.51)

There is a vaccine for hepatitis C.

.42 (.27–.59)

Once you have had hepatitis C you cannot catch it again because you are immune.

.52 (.39–.65)

HIV is easier to catch than hepatitis C.

.52 (.41–.63)

Having a medical and/or dental procedure performed in the Middle East, Southeast Asia or the Mediterranean increases a person’s chances of contracting hepatitis C.

.52 (.42–.61)

There is a pharmaceutical treatment available for hepatitis C.

.53 (.40–.67)

Hepatitis C can be spread by mosquitoes.

.56 (.43–.68)

An individual can have hepatitis C antibodies without being currently infected with the virus.

.58 (.47–.71)

Hepatitis C is caused by a virus.

.69 (.55–.84)

Hepatitis C is associated with an increased risk of liver cancer.

.70 (.56–.82)

People with hepatitis C should restrict their alcohol intake.

.74 (.58–.88)

Hepatitis C can lead to cirrhosis

.75 (.65–.86)

Some people with hepatitis C were infected through blood transfusions.

.76 (.61–.88)

Some people with hepatitis C were infected through unsterile tattooing.

.78 (.57–.94)

Hepatitis C can be spread through close personal contact such as kissing.

.78 (.69–.88)

Hepatitis C can be spread through sharing injecting equipment, such as needles, tourniquets, spoons, filters and swabs.

.85 (.57–1.0)

Hepatitis C is spread through the air in enclosed environments like crowded uses and elevators.

.86 (.78–.94)

A person can be infected with hepatitis C and not have any symptoms of the disease.

.88 (.78–.96)

Hepatitis C is spread through blood-to-blood contact.

.90 (.76–.98)

  1. CI confidence interval