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Table 1 Characteristics of youth participating in AB Northern and AB Urban Community workshops (n = 12)

From: “We need to build a better bridge”: findings from a multi-site qualitative analysis of opportunities for improving opioid treatment services for youth


AB Northern and AB Urban Community workshop participants

(n = 12)a


Mean ± SD; N (%)


24.86 years ± 2.78

Gender identity:b


7 (77.8)


2 (22.2)



1 (11.1)

 Indigenous and Caucasian/White

1 (11.1)


7 (78.8)

Highest education level:d

 Some high school

5 (45.5)

 High school diploma

5 (45.5)

 Some university

1 (9)

Current housing situation:e

 Living in apartment with or without roommate(s)

9 (75)

 Living with parent/guardian(s)

2 (16.7)

 Renting a room

1 (8.3)

Currently spending most of time in activities:f


6 (50)


2 (16.7)


5 (41.7)

 Other activities (e.g., arts, movies, exercise)

7 (58.3)

Opioid and other substance use patterns

 Ever used heroin

8 (66.7)

 Ever used fentanyl

10 (83.3)

 Ever used other non-prescribed or illicit opioids

8 (66.7)

 Used heroin in past 12 months

2 (16.7)

 Used fentanyl in past 12 months

4 (33.3)

 Used other non-prescribed or illicit opioids in past 12 months

1 (8.3)

 Used any non-prescribed or illicit opioid in past 12 months

5 (41.7)

 Ever used other illicit substances (e.g., cocaine, crystal meth, hallucinogens, etc.)

12 (100)

 Used other illicit substances in past 12-months (e.g., cocaine, crystal meth, hallucinogens, etc.)

7 (58.3)

Opioid use treatment and services in past 12 monthsf

 Opioid agonist treatment

5 (41.7)

 Addictions medicine

4 (33.3)

 Psychiatry services

4 (33.3)

 Clinical counseling services (e.g., CBT, DBT)

7 (58.7)

 Case management services

3 (25)

 Peer support services

7 (58.7)

 Harm reduction services

2 (16.7)

  1. aDue to small sample sizes and similarities in the characteristics of participants between communities, descriptive data for the two communities with completed socio-demographic data have been aggregated
  2. bResponse options included: woman; man; non-binary; two spirit; trans-female; trans-male; not sure/questioning; prefer not to answer; and I don’t identify with any of these. Gender is missing for n = 3 participants
  3. cResponse options included: South Asian; Black/African; Caribbean; Hispanic/Latino; First Nations/Metis/Inuit; Middle Eastern/North African; and Caucasian/White. Participants could choose more than one response option. Ethnicity is missing for n = 3
  4. dResponse options included: Some high school; High school diploma; Some college, technical school education or other certificates/training; Some university education; College or technical degree or diploma; Bachelor’s degree; Master’s degree or higher; Prefer not to answer. Education is missing for n = 1
  5. eResponse options included: homeless; couch surfing; living in single room occupancy hotel; live with parent(s)/guardian(s); live in apartment (independently or with roommates); none of the above; prefer not to answer
  6. fParticipants could choose more than one response from this set of response options