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Table 2 Results of the regression models comparing the PWUDs willing and not willing to use a DCR

From: Willingness to use a drug consumption room among people who use drugs in Lyon, France, a city with no open scene of drug use (the TRABOUL survey)


OR [95% CI]

aOR [95% CI] a

Location of the survey

 Addiction treatment unit (vs. harm reduction center)

0.23 [0.11–0.46]***

0.20 [0.08–0.51]***

 Street (vs. harm reduction center)

3.08 [0.83–11.47]

2.60 [0.60–11.24]

Gender (male)

1.27 [0.61–2.66]

1.78 [0.72–4.45]


0.99 [0.96–1.02]

0.99 [0.95–1.03]

Current activity (vs. no)


0.55 [0.29–1.03]

1.26 [0.56–2.84]

Marital status (vs. alone)

 In couple

0.63 [0.30–1.31]

0.88 [0.35–2.24]

 Living with family/friends/other

0.40 [0.18–0.88]*

0.29 [0.10–0.86]*

Dependent children (vs. no)


0.51 [0.23–1.12]

0.42 [0.15–1.13]

Housing location (vs. other)


1.64 [0.57–4.73]

4.38 [0.98–19.58]

Type of housing (vs. stable)

 Unstable (street/squat/foster home)

1.48 [0.82–2.67]

1.93 [0.82–4.53]

Social insurance for the precarious (vs. no)


4.26 [2.16–8.36]***

4.12 [1.86–9.14]***

HIV status (vs. negative)



3.40 [ 0.40–28.93]

3.37 [0.34–33.54]


0.68 [0.20–2.32]

0.49 [0.10–2.33]

HCV serology status (vs. negative)

 Positive (cured or untreated)

3.37 [1.39–8.18]**

3.60 [1.20–10.84]*


1.84 [0.67–5.05]

1.55 [0.48–5.03]

HBV status (vs. negative)


0.91 [0.19–4.20]

1.49 [0.24–9.38]


2.56 [1.14–5.75]*

2.00 [0.78–5.09]

Drug used (vs. no use)


1.40 [0.73–2.69]

1.39 [0.64–3.04]


0.89 [0.29–2.72]

1.02 [0.25–4.10]


2.65 [1.37–5.16]**

2.45 [1.01–5.99]*

 Cocaine (powder or crack)

1.55 [0.72–3.26]

1.49 [0.59–3.76]

 Crack-cocaine form only

2.29 [1.25–4.19]**

2.13 [1.02–4.48]*


2.20 [1.12–4.33]*

2.18 [0.89–5.33]


0.81 [0.45–1.46]

1.05 [0.50–2.17]


2.71 [1.31–5.57]**

1.85 [0.75–4.54]


1.89 [1.04–3.44]*

2.04 [0.96–4.32]

 Methadone (without prescription)

1.77 [0.78–4.03]

1.36 [0.44–4.27]

 Buprenorphine (without prescription)

3.20 [1.26–8.16]*

2.58 [0.86–7.75]

Materials utilized (vs. no use)


2.54 [1.25–5.14]**

1.78 [0.78–4.07]

 Snorting straws

0.39 [0.21–0.71]**

0.33 [0.15–0.71]**

 Crack pipes

1.76 [0.86–3.61]

1.64 [0.69–3.90]


0.63 [0.26–1.55]

0.45 [0.15–1.38]

Consumption habits (vs. no use)

 Always with partners

1.73 [0.80–3.73]

1.65 [0.66–4.14]

 Always in a precarious place

0.97 [ 0.44–2.11]

0.90 [0.31–2.64]

 Occasional in a precarious place

1.80 [0.77–4.19]

1.93 [0.71–5.31]

 In public space (street, toilets, stairwell)

3.05 [1.59–5.82]***

2.10 [0.97–4.55]

Problems experienced with (vs. no problem)

 Residents, shopkeepers, customers…

6.00 [2.67–13.50]***

5.99 |2.16–16.58]***


3.90 [1.60–9.48]**

4.85 [1.43–16.39]*

PWUDs perceived as a nuisance (vs. no)


2.63 [1.26–5.49]**

3.50 [1.38–8.91]**

Police intervention during a consumption (vs. no)


3.86 [1.80–8.31]***

3.15 [1.19–8.33]*

Access to a water point (vs. no)


0.23 [0.10–0.58]**

0.14 [0.04–0.49]**


0.44 [0.18–1.10]

0.30 [0.09–0.98]*

Loan of materials (vs. no)


2.21 [1.04–4.69]*

1.80 [0.70–4.66]

Reuses materials (vs. no)


2.43 [1.22–4.82]*

2.40 [0.98–5.83]

Fate of the materials (vs. inappropriate disposal)

 Clean disposal (container, pharmacy…)

3.34 [1.68–6.63]***

2.81 [1.21–6.48]*

About opioid overdose

 History of overdose

1.40 [0.72–2.73]

1.70 [0.71- 4.06]

Treated by OAT (vs. no)


1.04 [0.56–1.94]

1.05 [0.47–2.35]

Type of OAT prescribed (vs. no OAT prescribed)


1.50 [0.70–3.20]

1.68 [0.62–4.55]


0.62 [0.30–1.27]

0.65 [0.27–1.59]


2.18 [0.23–20.64]

2.21 [0.16–31.61]

Routes of OAT administration (vs. diverted)

 Only those authorized

0.34 [0.15–0.75]**

0.43 [ 0.17–1.12]

Diverted routes of OAT administration (vs. injected)


0.50 [0.13–1.94]

1.45 [0.22–9.74]

Usual place of consultation for OAT (vs. none)

 Addiction treatment unit

0.49 [0.22–1.11]

0.41 [0.13–1.26]

 Office based General Practitioner

1.19 [0.42–3.38]

0.70 [0.18–2.72]

  1. p-values <0.05 are shown in bold
  2. DCR drug consumption room, HCV hepatitis C virus, HBV hepatitis B virus, HIV human immunodeficiency viruses, MA marketing authorization, PWUDs people who use drugs, OAT Opioid agonist treatment, OR odds ratio, THN take home naloxone, aOR adjusted OR (a adjusted for age, gender, current activity, marital status, dependent children, type of housing and social insurance for the precarious), 95% CI 95% confidence interval
  3. p < 0.1; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001