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Table 1 Demographic characteristics

From: The role of stigma in cannabis use disclosure: an exploratory study



Age, n = 211

50.2 (± 13.2)

Gender, n = 249


176 (70.7%)


68 (27.3%)

 Transgender male

1 (.4%)

 Prefer not to answer

4 (1.6%)

Race, n = 249


207 (83.1%)

 Black or African American

15 (6.0%)


6 (2.4%)

 American Indiana or Alaskan Native

2 (.8%)


14 (5.6%)

 Prefer not to answer

5 (2.0%)

Cannabis legalization status in reported state of residence, n = 249


152 (61.0%)

 Medical and decriminalized

36 (14.5%)


36 (14.5%)

 CBD with THC as an ingredient only

13 (5.2%)


5 (2.0%)

 Fully illegal

3 (1.2%)

 Outside United States

4 (1.6%)

Highest level of education, n = 249

 Less than bachelor’s degree

88 (35.3%)

 Bachelor’s degree

84 (33.7%)

 Greater than bachelor’s degree

73 (29.3%)

 Prefer not to answer

4 (1.6%)

Annual household income, n = 249

 < $35,000

58 (23.3%)

 $35,000 to less than $70,000

42 (16.9%)

 $70,000 to less than $105,000

47 (18.9%)

 > $105,000

89 (35.7%)

 Prefer not to answer

13 (5.2%)

Marital status, n = 249

 Now married

130 (52.2%)


68 (27.3%)

 Never married

44 (17.7%)

 Prefer not to answer

7 (2.8%)