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Table 3 Pharmacy interactions following syringe purchase request, Arizona 2022

From: Come back when you’re infected: pharmacy access to sterile syringes in an Arizona Secret Shopper Study, 2023

Negative Pharmacy Staff Interaction

Positive Pharmacy Staff Interaction

Response to Request: Body Language and Tone of Voice

Shift to negative body language

Positive or neutral demeanor, No change

Initial verbal fumble, lack of clarity, pause

Confidence in exchange (request and response)

Customer Query

Why are syringes needed?

Do you have a prescription?

Are you a patient here?

Why are syringes needed?

What size do you need?

Normalization or Othering of Pharmacy Service and Customer

Transfer to other staff

Engagement (verbally or visually) with other staff

Same staff member handled interaction throughout

Syringe sale as not a pharmacy service: “We don’t do THAT here”

Buyer is not a customer: “We save them for our customers”

Normalized interaction of care

(If sale) behavior as with any pharmacy item sale

Response to Purchase Rationale

(“I need them to protect myself from HIV and Hepatitis C”)

Restatement of store policy

Stating negative opinion about drug use, the area, or people who use drugs

Dismissal-refer to another pharmacy

Expression of care

Referral to other pharmacy

Referral to syringe service program

Interaction Closure

Pharmacy staff silence, staring at field investigator

Investigator had to initiate closure: “thanks, goodbye” or “thanks, have a nice day”

Customary closure by staff: ‘thank you’

If no sale, “Sorry I could not help you”