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Table 1 Indicators guiding analysis of transcripts

From: Structural stigma within inpatient care for people who inject drugs: implications for harm reduction




Is there evidence of discrepancy in financial allocation for care?

If structural stigma is reflected in resource allocation, how does it influence the practices of those delivering and receiving care?


Is stigma reflected in the physical spaces where care is delivered and how such spaces are designed?

Decision making

Does structural stigma manifest in the ways that patients are involved in care decisions?

Is there evidence of structural stigma influencing coercive practices?


Is structural stigma reflected in triage policies and practices?

Access and follow up

Is structural stigma reflected in access to care and access to follow-up care

Screening and assessment

Is structural stigma reflected in screening and assessment of PWID patients compared to non-PWID patients?

Education and skills

Is structural stigma manifested in the skills and training of health professionals to care for PWID