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Table 1 Participant demographic characteristics

From: A reduced exposure heated tobacco product was introduced then abruptly taken off United States shelves: results from a tobacco harm reduction natural experiment

Demographic characteristic

n (%)

Age category (years)

 Mean age ± SD

44.7 ± 11.4


95 (18.9%)


236 (47.0%)


141 (28.1%)


30 (6.0%)



273 (54.4%)


229 (45.6%)


 White or Caucasian

400 (79.7%)

 Black or African American

41 (8.2%)


11 (2.2%)

 Another race

50 (9.9%)


 Hispanic or Latino

27 (5.4%)

 Non-Hispanic or Latino

475 (94.6%)

Geographic Region


2 (0.4%)


2 (0.4%)


496 (98.8%)


2 (0.4%)

Annual Household Income

 Less than $50,000

150 (29.9%)

 $50,000 to $100,000

180 (35.8%)

 More than $100,000

140 (27.9%)

 Declined to answer

32 (6.4%)

Level of education

 High school diploma or less

107 (21.3%)

 Some college or Associate degree

217 (43.2%)

 Bachelor’s degree or higher

171 (34.1%)

 Unknown level of education

7 (1.4%)