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Table 1 Definitions of skin problems

From: Prevalence of skin problems and leg ulceration in a sample of young injecting drug users

Skin problem


Leg ulcer

A break in the skin between the knee and the ankle that remains unhealed for 4 weeks or more (SIGN, 1998)


Hard swellings without broken skin, not red or hot or particularly painful

Track marks

Scratch marks, raised red veins, raised hardened veins


Raised red hot painful lumps, with or without obvious pus/broken skin—possibly required lancing/surgery or have spontaneously burst

Acid burns

Painful, blistered or broken skin directly attributed to use of acid

Broken skin (heals within 4 weeks)

Injecting injury that has caused a break in the skin, wounds or scabs that have healed in less than 4 weeks

Chronic wounds

Any break in the skin (not a leg ulcer) that has been present 4 weeks or more


Multiple red or pink spots, raised or flat, that last longer than the short period following injection